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Inquire about New Service.

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Water Service Inquiry

Interested in seeing if we can connect your property with Maine Water? 

Please complete the following:

New Water Service Process

  1. Customer must submit new construction application to
  2. Customer must submit design drawings to MWC
  3. MWC to complete an onsite evaluation
  4. MWC to provide an Availability to Serve Letter, if required
  5. MWC to provide a cost estimate
  6. MWC and Customer to execute Roadway Service Line Agreement
  7. MWC and Customer to execute Limited Service Agreement, if required
  8. Customer to to execute Easement Deed, if required
  9. Customer to execute Subdivision Control & Shoreland Zoning  and provide to MWC
  10. Customer to review MWC's Terms and Conditionsservice line specifications, and details. Developer is responsible for providing MWC specifications to their Contractor
  11. Customer to complete Application for Water Service
  12. Customer to provide deposit for cost estimate before start of construction
  13. Customer to schedule inspection with MWC for connection to MWC owned infrastructure and service line installation
  14. MWC to true up expenses and provide refund or bill
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Maine Water employee smiling and looking at the camera

Need to speak to someone?

Customer Service Inquiries and 24 hour Emergency Service:
