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Outdoor Recreation Programs

We are proud to offer outdoor recreational program at our reservoirs and watersheds for our communities to enjoy while protecting our precious resources.

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Shenipsit Lake Reservoir Recreation and Fishing Program

Explore the outdoors at Shenipsit Lake Reservoir! From April to October, you can discover the joys of fishing, boating or hiking.

Shenipsit Lake Reservoir is a public drinking water supply and there are precautions in place to ensure the continuous protection and quality of the water supply source.

Community members can enjoy:

  • Fishing from designated shoreline areas
  • Fishing from boats registered with Connecticut Water
  • Hiking on trails around the reservoir

Registration for boating has now closed. Lottery winners will be notified by email on Friday, March 22nd.

If you are a shoreline property owner and would like to register your boat, please click here.

See brochure for more details on recreation at Shenipsit Lake Reservoir.

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Recreation Program Permit Conditions

Please comply by all permit conditions to protect the safety of the Shenipsit Lake Reservoir Water Supply:

The following activities are strictly prohibited:

  • Swimming in the reservoir or any tributaries
  • Wading in the reservoir or any tributaries
  • Littering
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Fishing in restricted areas (including buoyed areas around CTWC aerators and intake channel to spillway and treatment plant).
  • Hunting or trapping
  • Pets not leashed on dry land
  • Motors (motor bikes, snowmobiles, motorized vehicles or vessels of any type except boats propelled by electric motors, etc.)
  • Fires
  • Camping
  • Removal of vegetation, animals, or minerals
  • Vendors
  • Carrying or discharge of firearms or dangerous weapons
  • Bicycles
  • Horses
  • Activities of any type, including fishing, on the ice of a frozen reservoir or tributaries
  • Disposal or discharge of wastes or other substances into a reservoir or tributary
  • Cleaning of fish within 250 feet of any waterbody

All persons using CWC land shall:

  • obey all orders and directions of the CWC staff and security
  • remain only in the permitted areas/marked trails within any legal season of the activity and park in designated areas only
  • prior to participating have all required licenses, permits, and any prerequisite training

All body wastes must be disposed of in sanitary facilities.

Photo of mallard ducks swimming in a river
A deer crosses the hiking trail at Shenipsit LakeA bee flies over lily pads
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The sun shines through the leaves at Killingworth Trail.

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Killingworth Reservoir Trail Program

Hikers walk along the Killingworth Reservoir TrailOur beautiful hiking trail at the Killingworth Reservoir is open to all state residents. It is open daily from sunrise to sunset.

Limited parking is available at Platt Nature Center lot located at 344 Roast Meat Hill Road. The entrance to the trail is just south of the nature center. 

See map of the trails here - a 1.2 mile loop!

We ask that you use proper waste disposal and avoid any contact with the protected body of water.

Download the Killingworth Trail Map
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a group of people standing on a bridge during a hike of the Killingworth trails
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a group of people standing in front of Shenipsit lake
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